21st May 2021. Edition One. In this edition: President's Message, ANZAC Day Service, Draft Plans for Hornsby Quarry and Westleigh Park The bushland rehabilitation of the former Metro haulage road at Cheltenham,
Road Noise emanating from the M2 Motorway,
Update on the Proposed Child Care Centre at 181-183 Beecroft Rd Cheltenham,
City of Parramatta ePULSE, Beecroft Men's Probus, Trust Autumn Walk, Byle's Creek Valley,
Birdlife Australia,
5 Wongala Crescent,
Julian Leeser's Newsletter
Emma Heyde's Newsletter
Recent Development Applications,
Latest Police Reports.
Message from the President So
much has happened since my last Anzac Day Report and it is anticipated
that I will have a lot more information about the ‘Trust’ and its
objectives and outcomes to communicate with residents in the next few
months. As usual Ross has done a superb job representing our interests
in relation to DA applications before Council a very complicated and
time consuming process. Other ‘Trust’ projects such as the Haulage Road
Regeneration; War Memorial and Beecroft Station Ramp have all been
achieved thanks to community involvement and everyone on the Committee.
Still working on the M2 noise issue. As to my activities I have
been educating myself and establishing contacts and networking in order
to develop a better understanding of the system - met up for coffee/chat
with Janet McGarry (President of Epping Trust), Emma Heyde (Councillor)
and touched base about Byles Creek with Trish and Stuart Brown. I have
learnt so much from these individuals about how the mechanism of
government works and strategic ways to ensure that we get the very best
outcomes for our community. Unfortunately, I haven’t yet been able to
see our Ward C representative despite my approaches nor met with our
esteemed State Elected Politician but am working hard towards achieving
these goals.
In the next eNews I will report to the community about our Extraordinary Meeting
(being held in the next few days) - this meeting focuses the Committee
attention on our objectives (within the framework of the ‘Trust'
Constitution) and will update and clarify how we need to proceed with
our action plan. I believe that this meeting will give us much needed
policy reflection time and guidance to understand the rapid changes in
our community and better plan our strategies in order to obtain the
‘best' outcomes - now and in the future. As a result of this approach,
I will be planning to organise a few ‘focus group’ meetings with
interested residents, which aim at helping us (the ‘Trust') identify and
prioritise what the Beecroft/Cheltenham citizens (overall) recognise as
the main challenges and issues for the community. I also wish to thank
everyone for their support and kind emails!!
ANZAC DAY The memorial Service at the Beecroft War memorial saw a huge community turnout on
Sunday 25th April. The Service was run and organised by
the Beecroft Rotary club with a very substantial effort contributed by
Beecroft residents, Lawrie Hayes and John Simpson .
The service included a bugler sounding the Last Post and the singing of the National Anthems of both Australia and New Zealand.
Many wreathes were laid as part of the service.
More pictures can be viewed at CLICK HERE
Draft Plans for the Hornsby Quarry Park and Westleigh Park Submissions are being invited on the Plans for the Hornsby Quarry and Westleigh Park. Both
these sites are large, and are about 40 ha each, they are certain to
become major attractions for the surrounding Sydney region.
Click here Hornsby Park (maptionnaire.com) to take the Hornsby Park survey.
Click here https://survey.zohopublic.com.au/zs/SgBcSF to take the Westleigh Park survey.
Byles Creek Valley Hornsby
Shire Council has invited a "Have your Say" On Byles Creek
Valley. The Byles Creek catchment extends into the heart of
Beecroft and is only a short walk from Beecroft Station. It is tucked
away behind houses and often overlooked , but it has special qualities
that are worth protecting. Hence the study. CLICK HERE to Have your say.
The Beecroft Cheltenham CivcTrust's letter to Council supporting the Byles Creek Study can be read by CLICK HERE
The bushland rehabilitation of the former Metro haulage road at Cheltenham The
Trust is delighted in sharing some good news. A preliminary agreement
has been successfully negotiated between Hornsby Shire Council and RMS
(TNSW). It is anticipated RMS will provide funding to Council for the
rehabilitation and regeneration of the bushland along the former
temporary haulage road that was constructed as part of the Metro
project. The one hectare area of disturbed bushland extends from the
behind the Cheltenham Oval netball courts through to Kirkham St. The
Trust considers this agreement to be crucial to the long term health of
our local bushland environment and also a benefit to the community of
Beecroft and Cheltenham.
The Trust would like to thank our local State Member for Epping, NSW
Treasurer Dominic Perrottet and Hornsby Shire Council Mayor the Hon
Philip Ruddock AO, but also Council staff, including the General Manager
Steven Head, for their assistance in achieving this anticipated
financial outcome.
Ross Walker OAM
Vice President
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust
Road Noise emanating from the M2 Motorway The
BCCT will be continuing its campaign to have the excessive noise from
the M2 addressed by government. To this end, the BCCT will be
holding an extraordinary committee meeting on May 18th to consider proactive strategies.
Update on the Proposed Child Care Centre at 181-183 Beecroft Rd Cheltenham Hornsby
Shire Council has instructed Local Government Legal to defend an appeal
lodged by the Applicant against the refusal by the Hornsby Shire
Council Planning Panel for DA 259/2020 which sought consent for the
construction of a purpose-built addition to a dwelling house and change
of use to a 70-place childcare centre with a basement carpark and
associated landscaping at Lots 79, 80, 81 & 82 DP 9085, 181-183
Beecroft Road, Cheltenham.
Proceedings have been set down for a Conciliation Conference in the first instance, commencing at 9:30am on 11th June 2021 on-site (for the Commissioner, legal representatives and experts).
The Conciliation Conference will be presided over by a Commissioner of
the Land and Environment Court, who will act as a facilitator for the
parties to discuss the issues in dispute, with a view to narrowing,
limit, or resolve some of the issues.
As required by the Court, the Council has filed a Statement of Facts and
Contentions which sets out the disputed issuese. The issues will
be discussed at the Conference between the parties.
Whilst objectors are not a party to the proceedings, they have a right
to give evidence before the Court in relation to their submission.
The Trust has registered to speak.
Beecroft Mens Probus Club is Meeting on May 24th Beecroft
Mens Probus welcomes men in their senior years. The Club usually meets
on the third Monday of each month at Cheltenham Recreation Club, The
Crescent, commencing 10am.The guest
speaker for May will be Les Miller. Les was one of 60 expeditioners
sent to Antarctica to maintain Australia’s three permanent bases on that
continent. The topic of his talk is 15 months on ice in
Antarctica. He will share his story of living in 1964-65 in the most
isolated, coldest, windiest and driest place on earth. Working with
huskies and his involvement in a plane crash, and more.
For further information contact:
Bruce Lumsden
BMP Speakers Coordinator
0418 112 114
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust Autumn Walk June 6th After the 2020 Covid shutdown the Trust will once again be hosting an Autumn walk on Sunday 6th
June starting at 2pm from Beecroft station bus stop Wongala Crescent.
The walk will extend as far as Cheltenham Oval before returning to
Wongala Crescent where walkers can have a chat over a ‘bring your own’
afternoon tea. There will be short talks about the history of Beecroft
and Cheltenham as we pass through the local streets. The
Trust cannot provide refreshments due to Covid requirements. Good
walking shoes, a hat and a water bottle is recommended.
Birdlife Australia Readers interested in Australian Birdlife may enjoy the latest edition of Birdlife Australia. CLICK HERE
Beecroft Shopping Village Residents are encouraged to look at the
recently submitted amended plans for the redevelopment of 5 Wongala
Crescent. This proposed redevelopment will have a major influence
on the character and vibrancy of Beecroft shopping precinct. CLICK HERE to view all the documents associated with DA20/2021. View from the Rail Station bus stop
Julian Leeser MP. Newsletter dated May 13th2021 The Trust's policy is that we will publish submitted newsletters from any of our elected representatives. CLICK HERE
Hornsby Councillor Emma Heyde's Newsletter dated May 4th The Trust's policy is that we will publish submitted newsletters from any of our elected representatives. CLICK HERE
For Emma Heyde's "Whats happening in our community" CLICK HERE
Recent Development Applications The
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust's Web Site now has links to recently
submitted Development Applications in the 2119 postcode area for both
Hornsby and Parramatta Shire Councils. This page will be updated
with every eNews publication. CLICK HERE To access them.
Latest Police Reports CLICK HERE for
the latest reports. Just a reminder that these reports are
regularly provided by the Ryde Police Area Command which includes the
entire suburbs of Beecroft & Cheltenham.
Annual Memberships for 2021 became due in March... CLICK HERE
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member!
To support or join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, please visit our website. CLICK HERE.The
eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the
community. Currently we have over 1090 email addresses. We
encourage residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and
friends. The eNews letter is available to all who subscribe.
Trust Membership is not a requirement.
The eNews archives are available HERE. To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE.The Trust has always had an unwritten policy to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.